Wunagisa—Chief Moses Keokuk. (Ginter & Allen Tobacco Cards. 1888) |
After Keokuk’s death, his son assumed control of the tribe.
Wunagisa visited Washington in 1852. “Keokuk’s father was made a chief because
he was considered a good man and a true friend to the whites,” explained the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs. “The great white chief (General Winfield Scott)
made him a chief. I see no reason why young Keokuk, if he is as good a man as
his father was, should not continue to be your chief.
“But I would say to young Keokuk he ought to recollect how it is he
derived his honorable distinction. It was because his father was a good man, a
good friend to the whites, and disposed to listen to the advice of the
government and conduct himself properly.”[i]
That last line was the government’s formula for success and how they
measured a native chief’s ability. If young Keokuk wished to remain chief of
the Sac and Fox, he needed to do what the government wanted and continue along his
father's path.
Wunagisa converted to the Baptist religion in 1878 and changed his name to Moses Keokuk. As part of his conversion, he gave up one of his two wives, stopped drinking and gambling, and moved out of his bark wigwam.
The changes angered many members of the tribe.
Before his conversion, Wunagisa wore the “most gaudy apparel he could
find,” said Jacob Carter, the agent to the Sac and Fox Agency in Indian
Territory. In addition, he “had his head shaved on two sides, leaving a strip
of hair about two inches wide over the top of his head, and kept his head and
face painted.” He was a big-time horse racer and gambler and took a “lead in
all the Indian sports.”[ii]
Moses Keokuk visited Davenport in 1886. He stopped at Captain Benjamin
W. Clark’s home in Buffalo to reminisce about the old days.[iii]
He told Clark his father was sorry to leave the area. They had lived “contented
and happily” there. The woods “abounded in game and wild fruits and the rivers
with fish. The island of Rock Island was nature’s paradise.”
Now, Moses Keokuk farmed and took an interest in Sunday School work on
his reservation in the Indian Territory. He was rich and owned 600 head of
The Daily Republic. September 6, 1852.
Sioux City Journal. September 17, 1886.
Clark was an early settler in the Illinois country. He ran a cattle farm with
Major Morrill Marston near Warsaw, Illinois, beginning in 1822. Clark sold his
interest in the cattle operation in 1827 and moved to Rock Island, where he
took up farming near the Indian villages on the Rock River. In 1833 he staked a
claim to 2 ½ miles of waterfront property at current day Buffalo, Iowa. At the
time his family was the only whites settlers in Iowa between Dubuque and
Burlington. (History of Scott County. 1882.)
Sioux City Journal. September 17, 1886.
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